Hello Bludgeoneers! Big news. As the title says, we're making the PDF of Bludgeon paid. For over an year, we've been hearing from other creators and a few fans...
Hello Bludgeoneers! Activity with Bludgeon is slowly picking up again: 1) Primals are complete, but unpublished. 2) I've added some additional lvl 1 monsters to...
Hello Bludgeoneers! We've been quiet for a while, at least with updates here. Life has been tumultuous this year, especially with changes to my day job that kep...
Hello Bludgeoneers! A little over a week ago now, we celebrated 1 year of being live on Itch! I still remember the mix of excitement & trepidation I felt leadin...
Hello Bludgeoneers! Today, we welcome the Divine classes to the fray! These righteous little guys were the last of the core systems that we figured out (sometim...
Hello Bludgeoneers! Last weekend, for Diwali, I quickly decided to wrap up some explorations, make 'em look pretty and send them out into the world! I mean, to...
Hello Bludgeoneers! Let's talk about Enemy Balance today. It's been the one part of the game that I've handled myself, calling upon years of practice and - for...
Good Morning Bludgeoneers! Life has settled back into a familiar rhythm which allows me to begin picking at bits of Bludgeon again. It's not like I'd completely...