Devlog 08: The Hiatus Strikes Back

Hello Bludgeoneers!

We've been quiet for a while, at least with updates here. Life has been tumultuous this year, especially with changes to my day job that kept me far busier than I had expected.

That's not to say things haven't happened since my last update. Since the Divine update in Jan. and my subsequent post, I've:

  • Networked & made friends
  • Made progress on updating the Primal system
  • Prepared extra Content for Bludgeon

Additionally, as of this month, we're due to feature on two podcasts! One of which is already out! (I'll post again when both are out along with links to some of our AP's).

Finally, I'll be looking to post another game design breakdown soon and with the holidays around the corner, I hope to catch up on my 'Bludgeon To-Do' list before the year is out.

Cheers everyone and thanks for sticking with us!


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Mar 12, 2024

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