Devlog 10: Moving to a Paid PDF

Hello Bludgeoneers!

Big news. As the title says, we're making the PDF of Bludgeon paid. For over an year, we've been hearing from other creators and a few fans that they thought we were crazy for not charging for the amount of content we had in this 'Basics' version. 

For that duration, we stuck to our guns while we tinkered away or - as my hiatus posts say - disappeared to deal with everything life was throwing at us.

So, what's changed?

We have big plans for Bludgeon. Bigger than we can afford ourselves. A lot of that centers around art. We WANT to get more art into the book. All the funds we get from Itch will funnel into paying Indian artists to create more art for the book.

Will the Book still be Updated?

Yes! As I get feedback and itch funded Art, the book will be updated with balance tweaks, clarifications, UX updates, and more Monsters. Maybe some lore, too. 

I'll probably stick with a (mostly) quarterly cadence as I have so far. It goes without saying, everyone involved with the project have day jobs, so our progress is admittedly slow.

What Next?

Towards Q3 or Q4, we want to do more! We'd like to hit a funding platform (most likely Kickstarter, atm) to be able to a) Fund MORE ART! b) Print Physical Books.

If that succeeds, the book will become quite the beast with a lot more content and goodies. We'd love it if people could support both, but supporting either here or in the future is great for us! More than funding, we'd just love to have people play the game and tell us about how its going for them!

If Funding succeeds, what happens to the Itch Version?

For early backers here, we'll update the PDF eventually. There'll be some delay as we get all the new art and update our layouts along with other unforseen issues. But we'll strive to keep some parity between KS rewards and what's available here. 

We're new to this and working our way through problems as they arise, so please bear with us and any future fumbles. We can only promise to do our best.

Finally, to everyone who's supported us, played the game, told us about it: Thank you! I cannot possibly express how much it means to the team. We sincerely hope we continue to provide a great game and experience!

This year is going to be exciting and as we figure more things out, we'll let you all know. Thank you again and have a great 2025!


Ngl, I wasn't sure how to title this. In the end I went with 'straightforward' but if you're curious about the zanier versions:

Alt01 - Big Bucks Bludgeon!

Alt02 - Bludgeon Sells Out!

Alt03 - Time to Get Paid, Son!

I have a weird sense of humour.


BludgeonBasics_04-1-1.pdf 12 MB
61 days ago

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hey! i’ve followed this project for some time now! have you considered “itchfunding”, where you set a funding goal that’s public? i’ve seen a few ttrpgs hit them successfully, so i’m letting you know that it exists! whether or not you decide to itchfund, get paid!!! i wish you and your team well, and am excited for the future of bludgeon!!


I hadn't heard of this feature! I'll start looking into it to see if its a fit for what we're thinking to do. :)

Thank you so much for pointing it out to us and also for following us on our journey!